Sunday 30 March 2008

Pastor Cornelius Abodunrin (Guest Minister)Moving forward in the right direction(part 2)

Commentary:In part 1, we shared with you about 'Sin' being the first hindrance identified by our Guest minister Pastor Cornelius (from Canada) in his message Moving Forward in the right direction. In this segment he explains why 'the lack of prayer' , 'fear' and 'unforgiveness', hinder progress.

  1. Sin(please read Part 1).

  2. Prayer: The lack of Prayer is holding many back, especially in our challenging time. Prayer is about God and not about us.What Action should we take? Praying should be done with a repentant heart. This means we must avoid wrongful attitudes in prayer such as 'praying against others' . If we are being antagonised or harrassed by others our focus in prayer must be AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF EVIL INFLUENCING THEM OR INCITING THEM AGAINST US! We must not pray against them. In prayer we must Have the wisdom of God. When we are praying with the wisdom of God our prayer will be characterised by for people. If we love people we WOULD NOT WANT THEM DESTROYED! How do we pray and when? We need to give ourselves to prayer every single day. We need to pray in the spirit and if we want God to answer our prayer we must learn to pray for other people!

Fear: The kind of fear which hinders our progress and prevents us from moving forward is different from godly fear, reverential fear or having a reverence for God. Fear of the unknown could be a hindering factor in our movement forward . 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV, reads ' For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and selfcontrol(and of a sound mind in some versions)' Read 1 John 4:18 ' Perfect Love casteth away all fear'. If you are walking in love you would not fear your brother or sister. In the Old Testament anyone among the army recruits who was fearful, was asked to stay behind (Judges 7:3)!Why? Because fear opens doors for defeat from adversaries! Fear would make us stagnant.Those who are free from fear can move forward! Fear is often generated in us through listening to and yielding to bad voices spoken into our minds by the enemy. Such voices can result in the fear of death which targets our health and our strength. Such voices attempt to steal our joy,attack our peace, make us doubt the presence of God in our lives. Deception is often 'welcome' into our lives when we dwell on thoughts resulting from fear and we experience a low self esteem as we dwell on thoughts of self condemnation and self doubt(more about this later when we discuss our fifth point about the Grave clothes). FEAR IS DESTROYING MARRIAGES AND THE COUNTRY. IT IS DESTROYING SOCIETY AND PREVENTING PEOPLE FROM TAKING A STEP FORWARD ? WHY? THEY ARE AFRAID THEIR PAST UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCES WILL RECUR IN THE FUTURE! How can we deal with fear in our lives? WE CAN DEAL WITH FEAR ITSELF WHICH IS A SPIRIT AND , OUR INDIVIDUAL FEARS BY USING THE WORD OF GOD AS AN OFFENSIVE WEAPON AND OUR FAITH IN GOD'S WORD AS A DEFENCIVE WEAPON. We need to stand our ground and AFFIRM THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD WHENEVER SATAN CONFRONTS US WITH FEAR GENERATING LIES! Affirm: God is the strength of my life! He is my refuge and my strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. THAT IS WHY I SHALL NOT FEAR(Psalm 46:1,2)I shall not fear the terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly in the daytime(Psalm 91:5). If God is on my side, NO ONE SHALL BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST ME(OR OPPOSE ME SUCCESSFULLY ) all the days of my life(Romans 8:31,Joshua 1:5). The joy of the Lord is my strength(Nehemiah 8:10), I will not let the devil steal my joy...i have the joy of the Lord because i have the Holy Ghost who energizes me with an ever continous supply of the joy of the Lord! I THEREFORE EXERCISE THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME BY JESUS...IN THE NAME OF JESUS I REBUKE FEAR AND I COMMAND THE DEVIL WHO IS BEHIND THE FEAR UNLEASHED AGAINST ME, MY FAMILY, MY MARRIAGE, MY CHILDREN,MY JOB MY CHURCH....!DEVIL LEAVE MY CHILDREN, AND MY MARRIAGE, LEAVE MY SPOUSE AND MY JOB, LEAVE MY CHURCH, LEAVE THIS NATION, IN JESUS NAME!(Please continue with the third segment, presented as part 3, for the conclusion of this message)!

Guest Minister(Pastor Cornelius Abodunrin )Moving Forward in the right direction(Part 1).

Comments: Pastor Cornelius made a number of illustrations about change in the introduction to his message. Among those he cited were obvious physical changes in growing children and adults which results in them letting go of previous size clothing and outfits in order to use outfits that are more suitable for their present age. After giving these examples Pastor Cornelius stressed that IT IS NOW TIME TO MOVE FORWARD IN FAITH AND IN HOPE! The loss of Hope RESULTS IN SOME DESCENDING EVENTUALLY INTO A VISCIOUS CYCLE OF DESPAIR AND EVEN SUICIDE.

Affirmation by Pastor Cornelius: You can make it with determination, Move forward with the right attitude and in the right direction!

BACKGROUND TO THE MESSAGE:Deuteronomy 1:8 . In this verse God was urging Moses and the nation (of Israel) he was leading to move forward. HE SAID TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT THAT IT WAS TIME TO MOVE FORWARD! What does this mean, and how does this injunction apply to us today?GOD IS SAYING TO US THAT WE NEED TO HAVE A VISION FOR THE FUTURE, BECAUSE THERE IS PROSPERITY IN THE FUTURE! THEREFORE,WE MUSTN'T GIVE UP!
If you don't know how to leave certain things behind, you will be left behind when Jesus Christ comes! The list of things we need to forsake or relinquish and leave behind include:
  • Worldliness
  • The lust of the flesh
  • The Pride of life
  • Double mindedness
  • A Bad Attitude

We need to move on in stability and mature to the level whereby we are not constantly dependent on others to provide the ministry of prayer for our needs . We ought to learn to take our burdens to God and achieve results in prayer!


  1. The first hindrance to moving forward is SIN. God hates sin . The Bible says righteousness exhalts a nation but sin is a reproach to a people(and anyone who indulges in sin). Sin will cripple you. The Psalmist says (), 'if i regard iniquity in my heart God will not hear me(my prayers). Sin degenerates our quality of life to one that stays within a state of lawlessness. Read James 5:16-18 and then go to verse 14. There is a possibility that our promotion in God is being hindered by MANY WEIGHTS(BAGGAGES).Hebrews 12:1-2 provides another illustration about how a besetting sin or 'pet sin' can become a hindrance to making progress in our life and in the Lord. WHAT ACTION SHOULD WE TAKE? We need to ask God to show us how to move forward and what it is that is hindering us.Some of the areas that can result in a sinful hindrance are 'bad company' and 'wrongful association'(psalm 1). This can lead to destruction. Abraham had to let his nephew Lot go and it was after he had become separated from Lot that God moved him into the next level of the manifestation of God's glory in his life! Now read Romans 6:12 and verse 13. Note the emphasis in verse 13'.....yield not your members'. Sin is what destroys the very fabric of our family, the divine institution of marriage and our society. THIS IS AFFECTING OUR NATIONS! It has 'infected' the United Kingdom, the U.S.A, Nigeria, Ghana(the reader can provide additional examples)! WHAT ACTION SHOULD WE TAKE?We need to ensure that we are not a hindrance to the corporate body of believers we are linked with. As a local church, the move from Deptford by HOPEGICC is a positive development! In the porocess the church has left certain situations behind in order to embrace new opportunities and situations that are ordained by God!It is a sign of God at work leading His local body into another phase of ministry. But as an individual you need to move with God when He moves.(click part 2 for continuation)

Monday 24 March 2008

Pastor Victor Iruobe:There is Grace in the Wilderness(Part 1)

Jeremiah 31:1-4 ‘ AT the same time,’’ says the LORD, ‘’ I will be the God of the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.’’ V3 Thus says the LORD: ‘’ The people who survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness-
Introduction: Sometimes there are mysteries beyond our understanding. We often pray for the mountains to move. But the way God deals with our situations sometimes is to TAKE US THROUGH THOSE SITUATIONS! Through the waters, which WILL CERTAINLY not overflow us and through the fire He would not allow to burn us.

1. First of all do not let your trial become a reason for YOU TO BE ASHAME OR TO CARRY A BURDEN OF GUILT. Your trial may simply be a wilderness period of your life. Do not let this trial be a reason for blaming yourself. If you give in to feeling ashamed then you will begin to look for simple causes and as a result may end up blaming yourself. BUT PLEASE DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF! BE ENCOURAGED BECAUSE GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE. THE WILDERNESS PERIOD MAY BE PART OF HIS PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE.

2. Secondly, in your response to the situation TREAD VERY SOFTLY AND CAUTIOUSLY. Your approach needs to reflect the same kind of wisdom that Mary the mother of Jesus exercised in Luke 2:51b.That verse reads ‘ but His mother (Mary) kept these things in her heart. During the period of our trial (or during the wilderness period) we will gain a lot of insights into the future and into our particular situation. This is the period in which we need to exercise ourselves like Mary did. We need to exercise the kind of maturity and deep reflection that she did.

My first illustration on this subject is taken from the experience of a minister. He had just ended a very uplifting and inspiring session from his pulpit. He then led the attendants to the meeting in an affirmation of praise to the Lord. After HE HAD LED THE CONGREGATION IN SAYING THIS THE THIRD TIME, this minister mysteriously lost his voice! He went through a period TRYING VERY HARD TO IDENTIFY THE CAUSE AND A CURE, including seeking medical help without regaining his voice. He also went through a period of discouragement and as a result of seeking God within his situation discovered this truth principle: He discovered that although he may not have figured out the cause of his health problem, God had been dealing with HIS PARTICULAR SITUATION BY TAKING HIM THROUGH IT! This situation of ill health also marked a wilderness phase of his life in which he could still experience the grace of God. Read Jeremiah 31: 3 once more. Thus says the LORD: ‘’ The people who survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness- The minister I have just shared about experienced the grace of God in spite of his ‘mysterious’ illness. Furthermore GOD HAS GIVEN HIM THE ENABLEMENT AND TOOLS FOR COMMUNICATING THAT GRACE. AS A RESULT HE HAS WRITTEN MATERIALS OUT OF THIS WILDERNESS PERIOD OF HIS LIFE.

3. A third truth principle is also linked with experiencing the grace of God in the wilderness situations of our lives. Be patient with yourself. Be VERY PATIENT WITH YOURSELF and REMAIN PATIENT WITH YOURSELF. During the wilderness phase of our lives we become VERY SORE WITH TRIAL AND TESTING! We are sometimes stretched to such an extent that we want to snap our finger and command a resolution of our situation in an instant. REMEMBER JESUS AFTER BEING TESTED BY HUNGER DURING HIS FORTY DAY FAST. IT WAS THEN THAT HE WAS TEMPTED TO CHANGE STONES INTO LOAVES OF BREAD. TO HAVE DONE SO WOULD HAVE BEEN TO PERFORM A MAGICAL ACT THAT WOULD HAVE DRAWN INAPPROPRIATE ATTENTION TO HIMSELF ALL FOR THE SAKE OF SATISFYING HIS APPETITE FOR FOOD. In a similar way, we are often in a hurry to escape the uncertainty and distress that can confront us during the wilderness periods of our life. But we need to remember that GOD’S GRACE IN THE WILDERNESS PHASE OF LIFE IS EVEN MORE REAL THAN THOSE CHALLENGES WHICH RAISE THEIR HEAD WITHIN OUR WILDERNESS SITUATION.

This brings me to my second illustration: A preacher was believing God for his church to explode in revival. He had linked a forty day fast to this happening sent and therefore he went through that length of time fasting in firm anticipation that this will be the answer. Well, when He did this the results were not what he had expected. As a result he felt disillusioned and disheartened. A forty day fast is a good thing but IT IS VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO FORGET THAT OUR PARTICULAR SITUATION OR TRIAL MAY BE OUR WILDERNESS PERIOD. This means we must not RELY OR DEPEND ON INDIVIDUAL METHODS FOR RESOLVING OUR SITUATION. WE MUST REMAIN RESOLUTE AND TRUST IN GOD. THIS SHOULD FREE OUR THINKING IN SUCH A WAY THAT OUR PERSPECTIVE ON OUR SITUATION WOULD CHANGE. THEN WE WILL EVEN CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITIES WE WERE NOT ABLE TO CONSIDER BEFORE. ONE OF SUCH POSSIBILITIES IS THAT GOD WOULD ANSWER OUR PRAYER IN A WAY WE NEVER EXPECTED.

Fourthly we need to take one day at a time and learn to enjoy the present moment or everyday life to the full. This is something which Joyce Meyer, a well know Bible Teacher continues to emphasize. When we have learnt to enjoy everyday to an optimum level we would see what we have been desiring. How do we do so. We need to do so by being thankful for God’s goodness in our present situation. To look beyond what may appear to be unanswered prayers and rejoice in the faithfulness of God reflected by numerous answers to prayer we have already had. Doing this in most cases unlocks doors and provides the link to unanswered prayer.

My third illustration: In the first year of my ministry I became ill and bedridden for nearly three years altogether. During this period I got referred to very eminent consultants through the assistance of two doctors within my family(they were relatives of mine). I ALSO MADE SURE I ATTENDED MEETINGS BEING HELD BY EVANGELISTS FROM THE U.S.A. WITH A PROVEN MINISTRY. None of these steps led to my healing! Eventually, I postponed my wedding by a year in anticipation of the fact that I would be healed before I got married. When nothing changed in my health situation, I received an insight into the situation. i.e. to begin my wedding preparations inspite of the outward circumstances.


Read our key verse once again:Jeremiah 31:1-4 ‘ AT the same time,’’ says the LORD, ‘’ I will be the God of the families of Israel, and they shall be My people.’’ V3 Thus says the LORD: ‘’ The people who survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness-(to be continued)

In part 2 pastor victor shares about the faithfulness of God during a tragedy in his family.He lost his firstborn son only 48 hours after he had been born. God has been faithful and today he has two daughters and a son by the name Joshua.

Friday 29 February 2008

Pastor Victor Iruobe:The Prophetic Nature of God's Word(part 2)

Two sundays ago we began a series......last Sunday our subtitle of the series was 'Awakening the Prophet within you'. In that part of the series, we were introduced to a foundational truth or truth principle:

  1. We are not j-u-s-t believers in Christ ready to go to heaven, N-O-W!

  2. We also have an identity in Christ which we need to recognise.
It is important that we recognise a) Our status as believers and b) Whom we are as believers. Two Sundays ago we explored the truth principle that we have been made priests by God.Revelation 6:10: says 'He has made us unto Himself Kings and Priests' and verse 10 says' Because we have been made kings and priests we shall reign on earth'.
Affirmation: In Jesus' name may you reign on earth. halleluah!

Summary of Last Sunday: Every believer has a prophetic ministry. This is a spiritual truth and reality even though that believer may not bear the title prophet or be known by that title in a wider setting.

Today's Message: Please be patient with me as we seek to attain the following SPIRITUAL GOALS OR LEARNING OUTCOMES today through our message:

  1. First of all I would like you to become informed about the principle of truth that as a believer you can decree things and they happen.Once again a useful illustration is that of the computer being ordered by my wife Ann. I usually overhear her asking the salesperson if the computer that she was ordering would have any preloaded software with it. Amen! The kind of software my wife is referring to include 'operating systems software' e.g windows XPP.

  2. Using the illustration of the software package, i would like you to become informed about another principle of truth that as a believer you were created and restored with packages already deposited in you. In other words as a believer you came preloaded. What do i mean? In a nutshell i am referring to the fact that you are 'a prophet', 'a king' and 'a priest'. Amen. ALL THESE POSITIONS OCCUPIED BY YOU, PLACES YOU IN A ROLE OF AUTHORITY.
    Furthermore we also have a number of learning objectives to achieve today in our study of God's word.

To help you know about your God-given authority,

  1. Help you understand this authority AND

  2. Help you exercise this authority by practical application of the insight you have gained.

Now we need to define this authority. This was a subject we also explored during our Friday weekday meeting.Read Mark 16 which gives us some examples of the God-given mandate that 'believers' in Jesus Christ are given . They include the following 'In my name:a)they shall cast out devils b)They shall lay hands on sick people and they will recover c) If they drink any deadly things it shall not hurt them. ......

Exercising Our Prophetic Function

Through Our Words:

  • The Bible says in Proverbs that 'Life and Death are in the power of the tongue'.

  • The Bible states that we will decree a thing and it shall be established unto us. Glory to God!

Through Our Acknowledgement and understanding of our identity:

God has placed us in a tremendous place of authority. The more we understand our role through the study of scriptural truth the more we encourage our chances for exercising that authority.

  • Understand that as PROPHETS WE CAN CALL THINGS INTO BEING.The Bible says Life and Death are in the power of the tongue.

  • Become knowledgeable about scripture verses such as Romans 10:10 'With the Heart a man believes unto righteousness and with the Mouth Confession is made unto righteousness.' Such key verses should improve our understanding of actions we need to carry out in exercising our authority.

The more we understand the better we can be at effectively carrying out Godgiven assignments. This is especially true if such assignments involve going against the odds.

Let us go to Ezekiel 37 and exercise your authority based on the lesson you learnt today in this teaching.At the point Ezekiel said 'thou knowest' he said unto him 'prophesy' . The totality of the solution was 'prophesy' ,
v 4 And said today OH DRY BONES HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD'. Very often the words we speak are not God's words. We often hear words which are not God's words. They may be our neighbour's words but not necessarily the word of God for our situation.
'Alternative' what is killing tofro........i will pour my spirit in you(verse) v11 ' then he said to me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel..........saying that in this day our hope is lost.......

Comment: In the next few minutes you are going to do something ....that will change your life.
Affirmation: Speak to your destiny! Every barren destiny must arise! Speak to your destiny saying, 'destiny arise'.Speak to your hope! 'hope arise!'.Command life to every dry bone'!Declare that you are healed, if your need is in the area of healing.Alter your destiny before December 31st(prayer)In Jesus name.
Prayer: Lift your voice in prayer and address your destiny saying....destiny wherever you are i command you to arise......grave that is holding my destiny open up so that my destiny would be released from you.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue. You are now on the verge of 'declaring death' to certain situations Decree death on every situation that you would not want to carry beyond December 31st 2007. Decree death on a life of struggles..............
Prophesy to the situation that needs change !
The same thing which happened to Ezekiel can be effected in your own life experience.....that stubborn situation in your marriage CAN BOW
.......(Pastor victor leads in further prayer as he prays in the spirit).... In Jesus mighty name, Amen!
begin to bless yourself
The Bible says 'say unto the righteous, it shall be well with' .Place your hands on yourself and begin praying blessings.

Pastor Victor Iruobe:The Prophetic nature of the Word of God(part 1)

Introduction: We began a series a few sundays ago.......we learnt that .... Last Sunday we looked at the subtitle, awakening the prophet within you. it is important to know that you are not just a believer, but you are also a prophet.

Every believer occupies the office of a prophet.

Revelation 5:10 says 'because we are priests and kings...we reign over the earth.....Although you may not bear the title of prophet, by patiently following today's teaching you will make a discovery about your extended role beyond simply being a fact you also have a prophetic authority which enables you to decree things into manifestation in Jesus' name(through the authority He has invested in you as a believer) ! You can declare things and they happen.........USING AN ILLUSTRATION LAST WEEK OF COMPUTERS: Whenever my wife (sister)Ann is in the process of purchasing a computer, i also overhear her asking the question 'is this computer coming with a preloaded software ?' .....manufacturers now find it necessary to include certain software packages.....and some examples are operating systems such as......

You did not come from God empty...but you arrived preloaded!

As a believer you arrived preloaded! You are a prophet, a king and a priest! Amen! All of these positions occupied by you represent AUTHORITY which God has delegated to you.
Objective of today's teaching: The aim of this teaching is

  1. to help you know about your God-given authority,

  2. help you understand this authority AND

  3. help you exercise this authority by practical application of the insight you have gained.

What is this authority? This was a subject we also explored during one of our weekday meetings on Friday.Mark 16: Gives us some examples of the God-given mandate that 'beleivers' in Jesus Christ are given. 'In my name:

  • They shall lay hands on sick people and they will recover.

  • They will cast out devils.

  • If they drink any deadly things it shall not hurt them. ......

Please note that this authority HAS BEEN INVESTED IN B-E-L-I-E-V-E-R-S ! Consider the fact that 'becoming a believer' is the starting point on the Christian journey of faith in Jesus ! Do you then realise how much authority Jesus Christ is prepared to invest in you as a believer. This applies equally to a believer who has just encountered Him?

Last Sunday we learnt from the book of Proverbs that 'life and death is in the power of the tongue' ( ) and the Bible says you shall decree a thing and it shall be done on earth( ). Now for a brief recall of scriptures such as Roman 10: 17 ' With the heart a man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession unto salvation' ....therefore the 'vocal ability' and 'internal ability must agree. ........

What you confess with your heart has got to agree with what you say with your mouth!

.....the woman with the issue of blood said 'with her heart....if i but touch the hem of his garmet God will heal me. God looks in the heart more than what we say with our mouth. The Bible says 'As a man thinketh in his heart so is he' exercising your prophetic office:

Mark 11:23 'If you say to this mountain....' This is a scripture with made frequent reference to during the sunday school. (please continue with Part 2 of this message)

Monday 25 February 2008

Pastor Victor Iruobe(Possessing Our possession pt 1)

Friday, 22 February 2008

Opening prayer:
Heavenly Father, .......we pray that your word will set free, it will transform lives and in Jesus name may your word find a place in the hearts of people.....Let your people be ready to advance as you reveal your word this morning in the name of Jesus......we give you glory, the needs of your Jesus name.

Affirmation:(Say to each other) Neighbour, i am happy to be in church this morining and enjoy God's corporate annointing this morning.......Neighbour i am happy to see your face this morning. You look more wonderful today than you did the last time i saw you....Together we will have a good time this morning.

Opening Remarks: .......Ladies and gentlemen, this morning there are things belonging to you which are not yet in your possession. We began a success series for almost four weeks now! During this period we have been examining various situations and how to address them.This morning we would be looking certain key words and phrases. The word 'things' is a key word which occurs within our message for a number of reasons. It is clearly stated in scripture that 'God made things for us. The Bible declares that Faith is the substance of things hoped. It is clearly in God's will that we 'possess things we hope for.....Last week(Sunday 10th February 2008) we looked at 'the ingredients of success'. .....In the first quarter of this year we will be examining the subject 'success' and how to make it this year. The title of our message today is Possessing my possessions.

Possessing our possessions!

Affirmation: Please repeat this title and become inspired as you hear yourself say it.Possessing our possesions.Background to this message : There are some things belonging to you that are not currently in your possession. There is no doubt that they are yours by right, but because they are not yet in your domain you cannot benefit from them fully. Because these things were designed by God to be your assets it is certainly in His will that you receive them. Therefore IN A NUTSHELL YOU NEED TO POSSESS(RECEIVE) YOUR POSSESSIONS(ASSETS BELONGING TO YOU)! God wants you to enjoy them, and to possess them.
Affirmation: Please repeat ,'Possessing my possessions' to affirm to yourself that you are willing to receive all your God given assets.Let me give you a few examples:
There may be a house which God has intended to be owned by someone hearing this message.
His intention for another person may be to usher in a life partner into the life of another person who has been waiting .
Perhpas in your particular case, it may be 'a healing' you need from God.
The need of another person may be transport related...God has prepared a brand new car for your possession. OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY'S MESSAGE:IT IS MY BOLD DECLARATION OF FAITH THAT,
After hearing this message each of you will 'POSSESS YOUR POSSESSIONS'.
Furthermore you will understand how to become better positioned to 'Possess your possessions'. Scripture Verses for Reference: Joshua 13:1; Joshua 14:6-14. Ephesians , 2 Peter 2
In Joshua 13:1, we can note the following:
God is not a waster of resources
If you 'observe the mind of God you will notice that He wants us to possess our possessions.
In Ephesians......It is obvious that ,
in blessing us God's act is in the past tense. This is something God has already accomplished.
We now have responsibilty first of all to understand what He has 'bestowed' on us.
Secondly we must then ASSUME OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO POSSESS IT......................
Question:Are we indeed blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places?
Answer: A 'yes' answer or an affirmative one also implies that God's blessings bestowed on us have covered and even exceeded our areas of need both on earth and in heaven.
ONE BIG DILEMMA WE OUGHT TO ADDRESS: If God has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness then why is 'my life in its current state of need, lack and even desperation?' THIS IS INDEED A VALID QUESTION TO ASK.
Have you ever asked the kind of searching questions, that begin with why?
Here are few examples:
Why am i in such lack?
why am i in such need?
why me?
why not me?
My response to the question of why is to pose some revealing questions :
Why are there dirty clothes?
Why are some individuals unkempt and badly in need of a wash?
Is it because of a lack of soap to clean?
An obvious answer:Certainly not! Although there may be a very good supply of soap and water to clean, soap would need to be applied in order to be effective. This illustration is certainly relevant when discussing spiritual principles. Until the promises of God in HIS WORD are applied to individual situations change will not be effected in our lives.
Majority of the blessings of God are received through knowledge
and you need to fight sometimes even for things belonging to you!
Galatians 4:1' Now i say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from the slave, though he is master of all, v2 but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. ......
The above passages illustrate the truth that 'even though the heir may be the Lord of the Estate.....because of certain hindering factors his condition can remain equivalent to that of a 'bondservant' or even a slave within a designated estate:
If he remains ignorant of his entitlements.
If his growth is stunted or stagnated.
If he remains immature.
Majority of the blessings of God are received through improving our knowledge about the issues concerned.
.........Luke 5:5' Simon answered and said to Him, '' Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word i will let down the net. v6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.
' Nevertheless' is the phrase which underscores a determination not to quit or to give up.
'Nevertheless illustrates the fact that inspite of his previous unsuccessful attempts at fishing, Peter was prepared to try one more time. This time he made another attempt in response to the command of Jesus.
'Nevertheless' highlights the fact that Peter was prepared to respond even though the command Jesus issued was contrary to THE KNOWLEDGE PETER had acquired from his FIVE SENSES as veteran fisherman with experience of fishing.
Indeed he had toiled all night without success when Jesus asked him to try one more time in Luke 5:1-10.